Colour Therapy
A Colour Therapy session involves the use of coloured light filters to help treat specific ailments and areas of the body. It is used for emotional and mental healing, helping to enhance feelings of well-being and energizes and balances on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. A therapeutic colour is chosen based on ailments suffered or related to the chakra most out of balance. This treatment is best added and used in conjunction with any of the other modalities offered and is a deeply relaxing experience. More and more studies are being released regarding the benefits of the use of light therapy and colours for healing.
Colour Therapy Rates
Experience with any of the therapies! A deeply healing and nurturing colour saturates through light filters during treatment. Colour is chosen individually depending on ailment.
$15 (+ rate of additional treatment).
Experience with any of the therapies! A deeply healing and nurturing colour saturates through light filters during treatment. Colour is chosen individually depending on ailment.
$15 (+ rate of additional treatment).